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Leader of the Future Award

Ulrika Brunner

Inspire Group


Ulrika Brunner is the Chief Executive Officer at Inspire Group Asia, bringing more than 25 years of distinguished leadership experience across diverse Asian industries. Her professional journey spans roles in learning and development, finance, trading, publishing, FMCG, cosmetics, and startups. 


With a dynamic and high-energy approach, Ulrika has consistently excelled in her career by spearheading the establishment and growth of numerous businesses and teams across Malaysia and the broader Asian region. Her unwavering positive attitude has been a driving force behind her achievements. 


Ulrika is renowned for her eagerness to embrace new challenges and lead transformative initiatives that advance the organisations she works with and positively impact the bottom line and the professional development of team members. She advocates cultivating leadership qualities such as resilience, entrepreneurship, and adaptability in others. 


In her current role as CEO of Inspire Group Asia, Ulrika is at the helm of the organisation's expansion efforts, harnessing the vast international successes of Inspire Group to position it as the market leader in life-changing learning and development within Malaysia and the wider region. This ambitious undertaking demands exceptional leadership skills, entrepreneurial acumen, and unwavering resilience – qualities Ulrika possesses and is dedicated to fostering in her colleagues, peers, and associates. 

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Watch Ulrika's CEO Award Interview

Ulrika Brunner, CEO-Asia, Inspire Group

“I feel deeply honored to be nominated for the AFN CEO Leader of the Future Award. In my leadership journey, I've come to believe that profound learning has the power to shape destinies. This nomination reflects the incredible individuals who have been part of my journey within and beyond Inspire Group. It's a celebration of our shared commitment to transformative leadership. Here's to a path that not only imparts knowledge but leaves a lasting, positive impact on the lives we touch.”

Matt Sitter, CEO, AFN

“Ulrika's global perspective and respect for her team members and their customers have allowed her to be a visible, effective leader and a powerful example for other CEOs. The workforce of the future is global, connected, and engaged - Ulrika has a deep understanding of these qualities and works with her team and clients to enable change and deliver results.”

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