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Denise Brosseau

CEO, Thought Leadership Lab


As the CEO of Thought Leadership Lab, Denise Brosseau works with leaders and their teams to accelerate their journey from leader to thought leader. A Wellesley graduate with a Stanford MBA, Denise began her career in the technology industry at companies like Motorola and Broderbund Software. In 1993, she co-founded and was CEO of the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE).

She grew FWE (now Watermark) into the country’s leading organization for women-led start-ups. In 1999, she co-founded Springboard, the prestigious women’s startup launch pad that has led to over $7 billion in funding for women entrepreneurs. Denise also co-founded and served as President of Invent Your Future Enterprises and co-created the Invent Your Future Conference that is now in its 9th year. In 2014, Denise wrote Ready to Be a Thought Leader?, (Wiley) to begin to share her ideas about why thought leadership matters and what it really takes to be a thought leader.
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