2024 is off to a roaring start, and it is more than evident that ever that change is our constant. It feels like it is happening at an even faster pace than we can comprehend, with no slowing down in sight. Technological, organizational, political, and cultural changes are daily. It is too much for one person to internalize - as much as you want to as you strive to be your best.
As a CEO, you are never a finished product. Your organization, customers, and others count on you to continue to grow (and help your organization grow). It is essential to permit yourself the time from your schedule to focus on your growth. It is a service to your organization to continue to learn, grow, and evolve. Empower yourself to receive support from your peers (beyond your organization).
Sometimes, it may not seem like the "right" time, but that is when you need your network the most. Spending time on your network does not take away from you or your organization; the perspective you gain allows new solutions and better opportunities to be found.
This is where your network is the answer.
AFN comprises a global and selective community that provides diverse perspectives for our members. Experts and resources are available to keep you informed as well as inspired. Our events with subject matter experts deliver value, cutting through the noise, so you don't have to do it all on your own. We drive more leverage for you - AFN's proprietary Concierge Service can now connect you to the right person for the answers you need.
With time as your most valuable commodity, wouldn't you prefer to have answers and a path forward in three days versus three weeks? Learn from others who have been there, where they can give you new insight on the best path forward.
Change is where opportunity happens. AFN and your peers are here to help you turn change into success.